Sarai Gomez
Digital Marketing Specialist

Sarai Gomez is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Treobytes, dedicated to bridging the STEM opportunity gap for underrepresented youth through strategic storytelling and media engagement. Currently pursuing a degree in Film, Journalism, and Media Production at SDCCD, she first joined Treobytes in 2022 as a summer facilitator, later becoming the Operations Lead before transitioning into marketing.

With a passion for education equity and creative storytelling, she amplifies Treobytes’ mission through compelling content, social media, and multimedia campaigns. Sarai is committed to using media as a tool for change, highlighting the impact of hands-on STEM learning and inspiring the next generation of innovators.


Lecturer’s Lessons

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Robot Builders Bootcamp Recap
A Week of Innovation & High-Tech Fun
Our Robot Builders Bootcamp was a huge success! From brainstorming designs to coding their own robots, the kids wowed us with their creativity and problem-solving skills. Check out the best moments and get excited for our next tech-focused workshops coming soon!
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Hands-On Learning
Why It Works for Everyone
Learning by doing is what we’re all about! Discover how hands-on activities help kids and adults alike boost creativity, problem-solving skills, and confidence.
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Halloween Fun Day Recap
Spooky Costumes and Scary Good Crafts
Halloween Fun Day was a hit! From our costume contest to spooky-themed crafts and games, kids had a blast celebrating the holiday. Check out the event highlights and gear up for more festive events and creative classes this winter!
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